Artisanal Brittany pastries

Traditional Breton Far :


Artisanaly made in a dedicated kitchen, our Far are prepared using fresh milk of the day, wheat flour, and pure cane sugar.

Available plain, with apples, or with plums, far are traditional custard pudding served for dessert. Alone, with yoghurt or ice-cream, our Far will surely satisfy palates of youngster as well as elder folks.

Available from individual 125g portion to 1500g restaurant size.

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Kouign-Amann :


Kouign-Amann is a pastry requiring lots of know-how to perfectly incorporate the ingredients giving it an uncomparable crunchyness ! Now popular in bakeries thrughout the world, Kouign-Amann is the most famous Brittany pastry ! Served warm with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream for the connoisseurs.

Our master baker produces plain and apple version, from individual 75g portions to 350g famillial size.

New mouth-watering mini versions (25g) plain or with choco chips are now available! Beware gourmets of all countries!

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